Shawn Eric Pollard - Online Memorial Website

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Shawn Pollard
Born in California
30 years
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Janie Pollard
Oh how our hearts are breaking..even though I know you rejoice to see your brother there in Heaven with you Shawn...he has been gone from our presence just over 3 short and agonizing months but I think of the joy that must have flooded your and Tom's face as well when you saw Tom approaching Heaven's gates!What a reunion you must have had..give him our love and know you both will live forever in our hearts and thoughts until we meet again...Happy Fishing..Fish On!
Love from your Mom and Dad forever!
You were such a sweet baby! Hard to believe you would be approaching 40 come next Spring.I guess I will always miss the way you would call as a grown man and say" Hi,Mommy"!I simply cannot believe it has been 9 years since you went home to be with Jesus! Tell your Gramma ,Papa Frank,Barbara,Jerry and David Hi...and all the Cox relative's you met and Gramma Griffin too...I miss you all!Here's a pic of your daughter!Playing Soccer just like you did!
Love from your mom!
November 5th,2009
Oh how the days fly by! Yesterday would have been your 39th birthday! Wow! Incredible isn't it? Joey's 40th was the day before.Amazing how time flies and I find it so terribly hard to believe you have been gone from our midst for nearly 9 seems like yesterday in so many ways and yet like forever since I have seen your beautiful smiling blue eyes and heard your voice saying"Hi Mommie!"..and that was the last time I spoke with you and you were 30!
I know you are so happy in Heaven and if you see Mom,Dad,Barbara,Jerry and David please say hi for me..tell em I miss them a and think of them a lot too!
Your kids are growing Shawn...Jorrin is almost 16 now and Trueda will be 12 this year..they are smart and fun and you would be so proud of them both.
I miss you,you dad misses you and Tom and Joey miss you as will live forever in our's. How wonderful to know and have the assurance that we will see you again Shawn..thanks to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

There are so many remembrances I could recount this time of year following the Holidays and Christmas I recall the times when you wanted to spend the night with Jorrin and AJ at our house so we could all be there when "Santa" came for the I miss those Christmas's son!To awake to the joyful sounds of little boys voices so excited at what Santa had brought during the night..a memory forever locked in my heart.A sadness always lingers just beneath the surface at our Christmas gatherings incompleteness that we feel..a void because you are no longer a part of those times.. we laugh..we joke ..we remember good times with you..but things will never be the same..I guess that is the summation of life isn't it?

I love and miss you Shawn..more than anyone can know.


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