It was a beautiful day,Monday,April 27th,1970.Springtime in the suburb town of Carmichael,California..near Sacramento.I had been taking walks with Terry in anticipation of getting the labor pains started,and so we walked,and walked,and walked..Our new baby had been due on the 24th of April and so we had sent Tom ,our oldest son[age 3]and Joey,our second son [who had had his 1st birthday just the day before April 26th],to be with my mom and dad and Terry's folks as well,who lived in Oregon, while we awaited the arrival of this, our third baby.
The previous year had been a busy one with the arrival of Joey and subsequent moves to Southern California and then to the central valley just the month before Shawn was born.We had not told Terry's folks,nor mine that we were expecting a third child until just that month before he was due.I had not had an ultra sound so we didn't know for sure that we were carrying our third son but in my heart I always felt as though it would be another son and so when labor pains finally began we hurried excitedly to the hospital as Joey had come very quickly into this world and I did not want to be at home,or worse yet in the car and deliver this third baby!My labor pains began around 8:30pm Monday evening and ended at precisely 10:17pm when Shawn poked his head through..so once again I delivered extremely quickly but not without some travail.
Shawn arrived all red faced,wiggly and with a loud wail as though to protest from the beginning to" Look out world,here I come!"Even in his very first newborn picture when he was minutes old, he has a defiant look on his face, with his tiny fist curled and looking for trouble.Well needless to say with two older brothers he needed that fighting spirit to see him through his journey of life.
Needless to say I fell in love for a fourth time with this tiny bundle of energy.His big blue eyes would follow me around as I fed him and bathed him.He was born with a bit of reddish brown hair that later turned into a white cotton ball of fluff! And so life began there in Carmichael and then just as quick as that we moved to Medford,Oregon where his grandparents and cousins lived and where Terry and I had met and married...but life had many adventures waiting for Shawn and his story has much left to tell.